2016. október 27., csütörtök

Halloween pumpetition - Halloweeni tökkiadás

Every single year Denmark surrounds herself with Halloween decorations starting from May (well, almost do not worry, the Christmas decorations are already in stores, you will not miss anything). This year, for that occasion, I wanted to surprise you and myself with a super duper article about Halloween customs, witches, parties and some more cool and typical Danish stuff. INSTEAD, I have found a much cooler way to represent this over over overrated tradition (which has nothing to do with Danish culture anyway.) We do celebrate it, because there is discount on beers and candies. Orange decoration in the shops and nice candles with skull designs. We, students need these small treats.
So between two projects and a massive headache I decided to put my scarf on and just go to the see for a blessing. I really needed that walk, just by myself to puff out all the negativity, and meanwhile...
I have found Risskov's perfect pumpkins! The PUMPKINGs, so to say of Aarhus. The first couple was friendly:

They tried to be spooky, but they stayed just adorable

As I was walking along the posh street of this area, it seemed like, some pumpkin competition went along the neighbourhood.  A proper PUMPETITION! ( I just made up this word. Yeah, I know.)

Other peeps, just like you, were seemed to be angry:

(Maybe some project going on? Or a cat peed on him?)

Chilling with another dude in your mouth is totally cool though:

(I give credits to the perfect contrast of the blue bench)

Group selfie, anyone? 

Batman, Captain America and...no clue about the third superhero, but nicely carved!

You can be sly, cool, or fierce, but never own a place like this pumpking:

Ready to be scary

I can guarantee, these triplet enjoy the party nights, just like you do:

Exhaustion, and some vomit added

Last but not least; on a beautiful Sunday morning we wake up like this:

Because we like to laugh at this beautiful autumn weather in Denmark. Kidding, of course.

Thumbs of for all the families who carved these masterpieces and take their time to cooperate to my blog. It was so much fun going to private gardens and yards in order to get the perfect pictures for you! :)

Minden egyes évben, már majdnem májustól elkezdődik itt Dániában a Helovinre készülődés, és mostantól már a karácsonyi cuccokat is be lehet szerezni a múlthéttől. Nem, meglepő, nagyon hamar elkezdődik itt az emberek kivásárlása a pénztárcájukból. De mi imádjuk a Helovint, és pontosan ezért készítettem Nektek ezt a kis fotóalbumot kedves és nem annyira kedves, de annál inkább szépen kifaragott tökökkel. Itt Risskovban rengeteg volt (igen, szuper gazdag környéken lakni, már ezért is), ezért kaptam kedvet megörökítésükhöz. Pont egy sétámon voltam, amikor észrevettem mekkora trend óriási tökcsodákat csinálni itt Dénmárkban; remélem tetszik a végeredmény, itt a blogon ;)

Have a happy Halloween and amazing parties!!!

Őrületesen jó Helovínt kívánok mindenkinek!!!

2016. október 23., vasárnap

SPECIAL Germany Edition - Holiday trip!!!

Finally, I have time now, the last day of the precious autumn break, and here I am, sharing my memories with you on my autumn vacation spent in Germany. I was so looking forward this trip not only because I could see my mother, but to chill and be away from Denmark. For a while. :)
The journey started easily, I was with one of my friends, Julia who is apparently from Stuttgart! We booked the ticket together long time ago and literally counted the days back. Both of us felt the urge to go, and we were in the move! When we have arrived after a long flight in the evening in Stuttgart, my mom was trying to take a star photo from us. Well...It happened like this:

Julia and Kate
Danish study stars have arrived! :)

The got together with my mom was unforgettable! I was really tired but still felt the power of love!

And now about the city she lives in : It is actually a small town near Stuttgart. A totally farmer town!!! In fact, after a pro-urbanized Aarhus experience that was all I needed: lands, horses, cows, smell of horsepoo, and:

YODA!!!!!! Yep, thats right: This was the statue welcoming me off the train. YO freakin DA!

After this half shocking half cool view I went straight to bed and slept almost 10 hours. It was worth it.
The following days spent with shopping (Germany, I love you, honestly, the food is so cheap!!!), sightseeing, horse (cuddling, touching, hugging, adoring) and meeting interesting people on the train. Here, I took some photos about strange things too (you know, this is my favorite part) and you will see explanations below. Here:
 Okay, Copenhagen street in Stuttgart. Not so strange. But in the background? It is the state library looking like a freakin jailhouse!!! Don't believe? Watch this:

I mean, Dokk1 is far the bests, but this one??? You would've never guessed it is a library!!!

Strangest thing ever Nr.2.:

Well...you know the stories of how children born, right? In Germany, this is the way! 


Feel old yet? This is the 21st century Stuttgart. Yes, you have heard it right.


I mean, this sticker was in front of a medical institution for elderly people. In. Their. Face.


Dissatisfaction is everywhere...System is underlined, hahahahaha!


Measuring walking speed in town. The speed limit is 30kmh and I am wondering ever reaching 10? :)


Crazy pumpkin paradise - it is actually a trend in Germany now to buy these. Ahhh.


Okay, fair enough, it is pretty cool. I really like graffiti's so I had to include this gem in this library. 

This was therefore my short trip to Deutschland with all of it's strange and beautiful  moments. I ate a lot of amazing food (lots of fish included), was travelling hours by the local train, visited my favorite art book stores in Stuttgart, was able to spend quality time with my mom and also make friends with the local pony's. All in all, I am really thankful for the time and looking forward a new experience like this! 
Follow my blog - next article is coming soon! 


2016. október 13., csütörtök

Furry funimals - Szőrös állatocskák

Whoops! Almost autumn break, right? I can not even wait for tomorrow, when I will depart from Aarhus and fly to Stuttgart where my sweet mum lives. But before all the good things will happen, I decided to share one of my favorite things about this city. Actually, what I am going to put out is my dream dream dream animal created by an Aarhus designer. I am 100% percent sure that I am going to have one of them one day in my super duper Scandinavian home. Not just kidding, but talking about the real shit. 
So what can be cute and irresistible in this rainy-cold-nah Denmark? Povl Kjer, a Danish designer had the answer in his head when he created this super furry furniture, the rocking sheep. Yes, you have heard it right: a rocking chair as a design element in an ordinary home for children who would like to ride a furry sheep inside the house. 
Why do I like it? Because I think it looks awesome, it represents coziness and I love the look of a massive fur. They have, as far as I can remember, two versions: a big one (able to use as a rocking chair) and a small toy one. Naturally, I love them both. Hygge to the power of 100000!!!

Végre majdnem őszi szünet!!! Éljeeen!!! Már alig várom, hogy felszálljon holnap a gépem Aarhusból és elrepüljek Stuttgartba az én kis édes Mamikámhoz! De még mielőtt ez megtörténne, mindenképpen meg kell Veletek osztanom az egyik legkedvesebb dolgot, ami ehhez a városhoz és skandináviához kötődik. Ezt a kis szőrmók hintabárányt egy 100%ban aarhusi dizájner fickó, nevezetesen Povl Kjer tervezte és készítette el. Szerintem hihetetlenül aranyos, látványos, és ízig-vérig skandináv. Természetesen ára is van, ami a nagy báránynál százezer forint körül mozog. Uhhhh...A kisebb ugyan csak a felébe fáj, de nekem akkor is lesz majd egy nagy, amikor majd szépen és igazán dánosan fogok keresni. Jehhh!!! 

Special Germany edition is coming in a week!!! Tchüs!!!

Német különkiadás cikkem egy hét múlva ugyanitt! Tchüs!!!

2016. október 8., szombat

Saturday chill and REUSE - International student edition

Weekend, finally! I am so happy about being free from school for now; I can focus on my room, writing my blog and look inside of myself. Recovery, precisely. 
It was not long ago, I discovered an awesome place in Aarhus; a new phenomena, a recycle warehouse called REUSE. For my fellow newcomers, it is located near Godsbanen near Double Rainbow bar (you just read about it, right?), where people can leave their still usable stuff and the ones in need can take them for free. I have already been there 4 times, and all four times I found amazing things from books to candle holders to furniture. I also put something in return once, but I will be honest, I took lot of stuff already. "Student's life", some say.
Today I also went there and found bunch of stuff, I only recorded one bird pin among them, the picture will be seen below. 
Indeed, my plantation in my window is growing! I know, I know, I have already promised pictures about them, and you will get them as soon as possible. It is worth waiting, I promise!
I also realized something during these days: Aarhus has beautiful ceilings! Normally, it is so hard to look up and see houses' ceilings and rooftops, but when we do, we just found them really pretty. Here are some examples:

Besides, Aarhus has great street art - I took photos of the ones I recently found! Here they are!

And here some tips if you are an international student in this beautiful city and you think you are lost, alone, or any worse:

  • YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Hopefully, at your school you have people around (classmates, teachers, counselors). Do not hesitate to call or write them if you feel lost.
  • The weather right now in Aarhus is perfect! I know, the summer was shitty, but comparing to the last 3 years, the Sun shines almost every single day! Put your face to the Sun and inhale the fresh air if you can. Relax your muscles, feel the wind (I know, the hurricane :)).
  • Don't have money for food? Dumpster dive! Have you ever tried? Have you heard about it? Want to know some rules? Or maybe you are suspicious, almost against? Find friends who have ever been dumpster diving and ask them or go with them. It is fun, it is environmentally friendly, it changes your states of mind. Danes, even though they have money, do it too!
  • Go to the sea! If you have a bike, it does not cost anything and you can enjoy yourself with a book.Wear multiple layers though, it is getting colder!
Last but not least: enjoy your staying here! Denmark, Aarhus is wonderful. I know it, since I have been here for a long time. Find opportunities, open your minds and be friendly like the Danes! Yes, people, irony ;)

Amazing, isn't it? 3 types of wood and a hint of cuteness meet in this birdie pin

Ha' en rigtig go' weekend!

2016. október 2., vasárnap

Double rainbow over the Double Rainbow

Baack bitches!!!
Guess what happened two days ago: a lovely phenomena, like in Copenhagen about 2 years ago (http://kateindk.blogspot.dk/2014/05/see-you-szeretlek.html) happened in Aarhus as well; on a sunshiny yet cold and wet day, a double rainbow appeared on the sky!!! Indeed, I was pretty close to the bar Double Rainbow as well - hipster club and a hipster sky. No, kidding. We take it easy here.

If Lucy in the sky has already caught your attention, here are some other news: I have started doing my own garden indoors. Now, I have two types of herbs, a small draceana and a succulent, but improvements and plantations are in progress. I do not have any major life goals besides saving the mother Earth, but it is really nice to have and take care of something while I am at home. Definitely encouraging everyone to buy at least one small planty to their rooms to generate some positive vibes during doing nothing at home. Oh, by the way: It is October now! Buy warm and fuzzy clothes everyone, because autumn is here. IS HERE. A new cardigan will come handy, both for you guys. And girls? Buy that new coat! As well as the ankle boots. You deserve them. :)



Csak úgy mint két éve, egy csodás jelenség volt látható Aarhusban is két nappal ezelőtt: dupla szivárvány, méghozzá az ugyanolyan nevű klub felett. (Double Rainbow bar.) Hát nem csodálatos? Fent láthatjátok is a képeket róla, elég jól el sikerült kapnom a pillanatot. 
Mostanság, ha még nem írtam volna, elkezdtem ültetni: bár két bazsalikomom is van, egy szukkulensem es egy dracénám! Valamint képeket is halmozok sokat: egy valamelyik következő bejegyzésben minden kép és növény is be fog mutatkozni. 
Egyébként Aarhusról: mivel elérkezett az október, egyre több beltéri program várható, többek közt lesznek workshopok is kézműves őrülteknek, mint én vagyok. De ezen kívül már nagyon várjuk a Harvest party-t, ami a krumpli leszüretelését jelenti italozással egybekötve. 
Írtam már, hogy a dánok furák? :)

Szép vasárnapot Nektek, mindenkinek!

Have a lovely Sunday, all of You!