2017. június 8., csütörtök


Aaand here we go again, lovely time of the exams, projects, finals, school assignments  - and their implementation. Or, the lack of them.
Well, I have always knew that I am a queen of procrastination, and I always envy others who were motivated enough to get through exams fairly easy. Even now I am procrastinating by writing this blog to show you and myself, how bad it is and just to find justification for what I am doing is, after all, not so bad.
I have almost all my friends writing their essays now and reading books about certain topics, but I am here to find out, how efficient all of the reading they are doing?
I think, it is so bad we have to use computers to study from and use as a platform to write. We can easily be bothered by even an ad: you go with the flow, surf , and then find yourself browsing about topics like "How to get the perfect birthmark tattoo?" or "Is Paul McCartney dead and there is an actor instead?". (Trust me, I did this and this is happening on the Internet rn.)
Every day, I am counting back the days to my exam deliberately telling myself to study, but I just can't. I know well it is not only me and something is always in the way, but why are we so lazy?
First, I always blamed the weather. It is June, so when the sun comes up in Denmark and there is the massive 17'C degrees, you definitely have to go out to the nature. But yesterday it was the darkest, terrible rainy weather when no one wants to do anything and I was forced to be inside(NB: perfect day for studying), I was still doing other things. I tried though: woke up, get a tea, sit in front of my laptop and write, read, watching marketing videos, but after an hour, I got so bored: not bored, I got asleep! Question: Why, what I am studying gets me bored? Or better question might be: why everything mandatory makes a bad feeling in my stomach saying: Girl, don't do that!?!?!?
Older people would say, this generation is lazy, doesn't know how to work and get things done, always gives up half ways, but yet, then what is the whole point of studies?
I have to tell, most of my friends do SO MUCH DIFFERENT THINGS they have studied before at the university. Even I am doing different things in life and my interests are different. Have I chose the wrong course? I doubt it. Marketing management is a great to study, interesting, includes many things in every day life, but then again, question: Why I am just not able to study for it?
Internet is definitely destructive in this point, but I love it. It is not all about the information we can get, but different viewpoints, topics, etc. Recently for example, I started to plant more and more flowers, plants, seeds and learned how to maintain them in the long run. Also watched videos about a Swedish couple everyday life in Berlin, great channel they have. I work on my portfolio and business at the same time, doing interior designs and photo shoots, but studies? Ranked poorly.
How do You get along with exam time? I know, time and deadline is a source of inspiration :) but seriously, what are other practices besides: get off Wifi, switch off gadgets, get a life, plan your studies, etc?