2016. október 27., csütörtök

Halloween pumpetition - Halloweeni tökkiadás

Every single year Denmark surrounds herself with Halloween decorations starting from May (well, almost do not worry, the Christmas decorations are already in stores, you will not miss anything). This year, for that occasion, I wanted to surprise you and myself with a super duper article about Halloween customs, witches, parties and some more cool and typical Danish stuff. INSTEAD, I have found a much cooler way to represent this over over overrated tradition (which has nothing to do with Danish culture anyway.) We do celebrate it, because there is discount on beers and candies. Orange decoration in the shops and nice candles with skull designs. We, students need these small treats.
So between two projects and a massive headache I decided to put my scarf on and just go to the see for a blessing. I really needed that walk, just by myself to puff out all the negativity, and meanwhile...
I have found Risskov's perfect pumpkins! The PUMPKINGs, so to say of Aarhus. The first couple was friendly:

They tried to be spooky, but they stayed just adorable

As I was walking along the posh street of this area, it seemed like, some pumpkin competition went along the neighbourhood.  A proper PUMPETITION! ( I just made up this word. Yeah, I know.)

Other peeps, just like you, were seemed to be angry:

(Maybe some project going on? Or a cat peed on him?)

Chilling with another dude in your mouth is totally cool though:

(I give credits to the perfect contrast of the blue bench)

Group selfie, anyone? 

Batman, Captain America and...no clue about the third superhero, but nicely carved!

You can be sly, cool, or fierce, but never own a place like this pumpking:

Ready to be scary

I can guarantee, these triplet enjoy the party nights, just like you do:

Exhaustion, and some vomit added

Last but not least; on a beautiful Sunday morning we wake up like this:

Because we like to laugh at this beautiful autumn weather in Denmark. Kidding, of course.

Thumbs of for all the families who carved these masterpieces and take their time to cooperate to my blog. It was so much fun going to private gardens and yards in order to get the perfect pictures for you! :)

Minden egyes évben, már majdnem májustól elkezdődik itt Dániában a Helovinre készülődés, és mostantól már a karácsonyi cuccokat is be lehet szerezni a múlthéttől. Nem, meglepő, nagyon hamar elkezdődik itt az emberek kivásárlása a pénztárcájukból. De mi imádjuk a Helovint, és pontosan ezért készítettem Nektek ezt a kis fotóalbumot kedves és nem annyira kedves, de annál inkább szépen kifaragott tökökkel. Itt Risskovban rengeteg volt (igen, szuper gazdag környéken lakni, már ezért is), ezért kaptam kedvet megörökítésükhöz. Pont egy sétámon voltam, amikor észrevettem mekkora trend óriási tökcsodákat csinálni itt Dénmárkban; remélem tetszik a végeredmény, itt a blogon ;)

Have a happy Halloween and amazing parties!!!

Őrületesen jó Helovínt kívánok mindenkinek!!!

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